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Monthly Archives: April 2008
Cory Booker and his whole entourage came to our church yesterday to have “open office hours’. It was quite the ordeal. A few hours before he was to arrive, tons of police brought dogs throughout our church to make sure there were no bombs in it, two major news channels stationed themselves in front of […]
This is the part of my blog where i wrestle…i really wrestle with the balance of being a wife and mother and being in ministry. If anyone out there has struck up a good balance PLEASE give me pointers! Today was a forced day off…my mind, my body, my emotions just stopped working. I […]
Sometimes peoples ask what a typical day is like for me, and the fact of the matter is that there is NO typical day…there is always a new adventure, and new joy, a new sorrow, a new crisis…. Because i can’t really write out what a typical day is, I’ll just “news flash” you with […]
My sister has been in Prague for the past 8 months and she just got back this past week. We were so fortunate to be the first ones to welcome her back to America. Daniel Josiah and Trinity sported their “Welcome back” and “We missed you” crowns at the airport, which provided some entertainment for […]
Its a good thing God doesn’t let us see the future…If, when i was a carefree sophomore in college, I knew that within 5 years I would be trying to raise teenagers, I would have buried myself in a hole…or moved to Siberia….or continued to wear outfits like i was in the picture and try […]
So, these boys have really become in integral part of our family and I thought I might as well include them in our family photos. Brian and Gabe. Brian lives with us and Gabe is friends with everybody who lives with us. Brian has a hidden musical talent that we see unearthed at times, […]
Dear Family and friends, I write you once again with deep passion in my heart, praising God for you and the wonderful blessing you have been to us. God is doing a mighty work and we could not be here and be a part of it without your prayer and support. What a joy to […]
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