Form My Heart
Form my heart oh Triune God according to your Word
Form it for your purpose, form it for my good
Form it in your image, may every heart beat be
A pulse of heavenly glory, on display in me
Form my Heart oh Father, to listen and obey
To always seek your loving face, and never go astray
To trust your faithful promises, and trust in all your plans
To walk beside you faithfully and always hold your hand
Form my heart Oh Jesus, to trust in love divine
To know my sin was placed on you, and your righteousness is mine
Let your atonement change my heart to daily die for you
Make my life a sacrifice in all I say and do
Form my heart Oh Spirit, make me pure and true
Make my life shine forth a light reflecting all of you.
Deform me from this world, take out my heart of stone
And give this beating heart a rhythm that moves for you alone