Howz da Momma doing?
Kimberly did amazing in labor and looks amazing too I might add! I can not believe how quickly she popped that little guy out. We headed to the Hospital at 10:15 pm September 17th and by 11:18 Benjamin was here, weighing in 7 lbs 9 ounces. Only 11 minutes of pushing! Way to go babe. No drugs, and no doctor. A midwife barely made it in to catch the little dude. We are thankful for a safe delivery and for God’s faithfulness. We are also very thankful for insurance…
The kids are with aunt Betsy (who flew down to help and is awesome) and we are hoping they will come visit tomorrow.
Thank you all who have been praying for us. We feel so blessed and encouraged. Here’s some videos of right after he was born.