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Why we are still going…

Many have been wondering if we are still going
despite the nuclear scare. The answer is “yes.” God is leading us to go and bring  resources to assist Japan and proclaim the Gospel to the lost. We are trusting that He has a plan much better than ours. There are so many people there who don’t know Jesus and His saving power, people who could die without ever even hearing of the hope found in the Gospel… I find myself weeping often as I think about this; as I wonder if I would be willing to sacrifice so others might have hope.  This is one of the hardest decisions I have ever made, but what I believe to be the right one. You see, the love of Jesus for the human race continues to amaze me, that the God of the universe would put on skin and enter into a world “radiating” with sin, a world that would reject Him and crucify Him, a world He loved more than Himself.  If such a love as this can’t inspire the human race to love each other and join in this redemption story, than nothing can…
In the midst of preparing to go I find myself humming old hymns that are running through my head. It got so bad that this morning I spent some good time by myself in the RTS Chapel, just singing hymns from the pew Bible and reflecting and praying on the upcoming adventure. This line from one hymn stuck in my mind so I thought I would share it to below to encourage any others struggling right now with whether to go, or stay or flee… I do believe there is a time to flee, but only if the Spirit of God leads. May fear never drive us and may our own comfort never be the compelling force of our decisions.  I am thankful that many heroes of the past have not shrunk away from the dangers that assail in this fallen world, but have pressed on in the power of Christ for the redemption of this planet. May we have such faith in such a time as this, whether we are going, staying, sending, or praying… may we not be those who shrink away in fear, counting their own temporal lives worth more than the glorious eternal redemption purchased for us by the blood of Christ.

No strength of our own and no goodness we claim,
Yet, since we have known of the Savior’s great name.
In this our strong tower for Safety we hide.
The Lord is our power, the Lord will provide

Isaiah 43 has brought me great strength today… Check it out and meditate deeply on God’s promises.

1 Comment
  • Bobbi Ryan on March 18, 2011

    If you can use another for manpower, I’d like to donate my time to help on the trip. If that would help you, please just let me know what to do! I’ll be there.
    Thank you, and Blessings to you for your selfless efforts to bring relief to people in such dire circumstances.
    Bobbi Ryan