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Monthly Archives: September 2011

22 Bullets Later

I buried Daniel last Friday… He was 19 years old. He had a kid on the way… another kid who is going to grow up without his daddy in his life.  It’s been two weeks since he was murdered and I was hoping all the emotions would have faded by now but they haven’t. I’ve […]

22 Bullets Later…

I buried Daniel last Friday… He was 19 years old. He had a kid on the way… another kid who is going to grow up without his daddy in his life.  It’s been two weeks since he was murdered and I was hoping all the emotions would have faded by now but they haven’t. I’ve […]

God uses persons….

Danny and I upon our knees crying out to the God of the Universe for our city, for those kids. Where is your heart for Newark, Lord?? Clear as day, He says, I put it in you. This is why I weep, this is why I mourn. This is why I will not rest, but […]

No more Daniels…..

The reality of Daniel’s death took a few days to sink in.  When I first heard through Facebook, that he had been shot, I was really hoping that it was just a rumor or something. But as I talked with my good friend from Newark on the phone the other day, the gruesome details of […]

A Surprise Trip to San Diego

This post is a continuation (post #1) of A Watchman on the Walls, so read that if you want to know what is going on. My incredibly cool older brother is really good at what he does.  He is a natural leader, persuader, and hard worker.  So when his wife, Susan, called me up and […]

Watchman on the Walls…

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, BUT I WILL HOLD THE WATCHMAN ACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS BLOOD.”(33:6)  My eyes froze upon these […]