All who worship IMAGES… Hello, 2018!
This post, first scribbled out in journal (in October, when this sunset picture was taken!) was ready to be posted last year, but just as these ponderings speak to the concept of images of what we expect life to be like verses what life is, one could not anticipate the turn of events that would hinder it’s posting. Instead of starting 2018 with a bang, we started it with every member of our family having the flu, my own development of pneumonia leading to a cracked rib due to the prolonged violent coughing, the death of my uncle, Danny’s rapid decline in health, news of adrenal fatigue in his already worn-down Lyme diseased body (evision: bedridden husband), and a temporary pause in the planting of Shalom City Church. (There were reasons the Iversons seemed to disappear from existence). Finally, due to a trip up to NYC to help my sister recover from surgery, I’m getting a chance to catch up on life, and therefore, the forsaken blog.
“All who worship images are put to shame…”
Psalm 97:7 NIV
In that morning quiet time in the Word, snuck so stealthily in between nursing a babe, tending a feverish toddler and the imminent arousal of boisterous busy children preparing for school,
one little verse hits a heart right where it’s vulnerable. And two little words… image and SHAME. ring round in head and heart.
All who worship images are put to shame.”
Psalm 97:7 NIV
Isn’t it shame, the shadow always chasing, always haunting, that keeps this mama running instead of resting, and striving instead of trusting, and breathless instead of filled with the Breath of Life?
And if it is the worship of images that brings this shame
then the question presses..
What are images, anyways…these images that put to shame?
Before my mind runs ahead to the lunches needing to be packed, and “don’t forget that paper” and “PLEASE brush your hair” reminders and then the unfolding of a homeschooling morning, and housework and to-do lists….
I take some time to look up the definition of image.
The thesaurus states that images are merely pictures, mirages, concepts or impressions based on the real. A mere notion. The dictionary states that an images is…
an impression of something formed from an account or description.
It hits me as I read. This idol-factory of a heart might not worship a picture on a wall of a long-dead saint, but plenty of image worshiping has been going on in it.
I worship images when my peace is disrupted and heart mulls in discontent because an idea or standard is not quite attained. A concept not quite realized. A goal not quite reached. A visualization not quite put into reality.
An image is a mirage I worship. A mirage of what I think my life should be like. It is an expectation of what my house should look like, what my schedule should contain, how my children should behave, how I should perform, what true spirituality manifests as, what “fruitful ministry” should produce….
It is simply a concept, or visualization, an mirage so quickly evaporating.
The worship of it truly puts a soul to shame, for instead of truly living life, the life given, one’s joy and hope is wrapped up in what is not even real, much less ever attained.
The time-tested Book speaks of One who IS real, who is no-longed for reality, but Whose existence IS our reality.
His Name is not “I WAS”, or “I WILL BE”, or “I WILL BECOME, if you just ________”
No, His Name is
So if I look for him in past seasons or victories…. I will miss him.
If I look for Him in the future realities, when I have changed and this character flaw is eradicated….I will miss him.
If I expect to see him once I am out of my current situation….. I will miss Him.
But if I, with my feet on the ground of THIS moment, and this set of circumstances, look for Him.
Then I find the Great I AM.
the GREAT I AM with veil torn away so I can live in His Presence here and now*…
as I give thanks in ALL circumstances. (I Thess. 5:18)
as I rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4)
as I enter into THIS day fully present because this is the day that the Lord has made.
Then and only then, will I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
No shame can cling to a heart worshipping the TRUE GREAT I AM, for the abundant Life is in His Presence makes for a life of no regrets.
*Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

Gwennalyn has been a great travel buddy and “helper” as I have played nurse doctor for my sister recovering from getting her gall bladder removed

Gwennalyn has been a champ in carseats, airplanes, cabs, trains and subways, but her favorite is the East River park when she gets to be out in nature.