Welcome to Pray Shalom
Dear friend,
Over the last 8 years, my wife Kimberly and I have been developing this material I will be posting the next 21 days. Below is the intro to the Pray Shalom 21-day journey.
We have put our heart into this and are hoping to publish it in book form this summer to release to the world… so as you interact with the content we would love your honest feedback. Our desire is to provide those seeking the Kingdom of God a resource to strengthen our thinking, quicken our hearts and equip us to be faithful previews through our lives of the City of Peace to come.
Till all is Restored,
Danny and Kimberly Iverson
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This next round of the devotional will begin January 5th 2025 and last for 21 days. Each devotional is about 10 minutes long. You will receive it in email form each morning.

Thank you for considering joining us on this 21-day journey to discover and display more fully the City of Peace here on earth as it is in heaven. We are excited to see what God will do for His glory as He knits our hearts more fully to Himself and to others through prayer. You will hear the word “Shalom” a lot in these writings, so let me explain what that means.
Shalom is the Hebrew word for holistic peace. It is a word used throughout Scripture to describe the absolute joy, flourishing, fulfillment, and bliss found in the presence of God, and the beautiful interdependent relationships God’s people eternally share with Him, each other, and all of creation. It means nothing broken, nothing missing. The way things are supposed to be. It’s what we all long for deep inside. Shalom is what has come into the world through Christ, and is made complete when Christ returns and fully eradicates sin and death forever. God is glorified as Shalom awakens in His Spirit-filled people. We have a mission as God’s people to ever be discovering and displaying the Shalom of God’s kingdom in this broken and incomplete world by faithfully proclaiming the gospel in WORD and DEED as we share life with our neighbors and seek flourishing for our community.
So What?…
Followers of Jesus are committed to bringing together God’s people to join Jesus in His mission to awaken, strengthen and multiply Spirit-filled disciples everywhere who are “Shaloming the hell” out of this world. Jesus told us in Matthew 6:9 to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. Heaven and earth being united forever is God’s ultimate plan, and He invites us as His people to pray to that end. So we pray… Not because we have to, or to try and gain more favor from God (we already have that in Christ), or to try and twist His arm to give us what we want. We pray because we love our Savior Jesus who suffered for us and rescues us forever from sin and death and through His resurrected power is renewing all things. We joyfully seek to obey Him as our King and follow His leading by falling to our knees in abiding prayer that bears eternal fruit and ushers in the transformation of the new creation we are all longing for.
This prayer guide can be used for your personal times with God as well as with others in your community. Let me encourage you to journal as you pray. The more you journal while praying each day, the more you will get out of this special season of prayer. May the nothing-broken-nothing-missing peace of Jesus guard your heart and mind as you enter into His presence.
Fasting during your
21-day prayer journey
Throughout history, God’s Spirit has been calling God’s people into absolute surrender to His will and purposes for their lives, this world, and eternity. The Spirit awakens us to the things of God and gives us eyes to discover the unfolding Shalom of His kingdom that we find ourselves a part of, and He also gives us the strength to display this Shalom as we walk through life in dependence on Jesus, for the Father’s glory.
Fasting has been one of the many means through which the Spirit teaches us to hunger for righteousness. Fasting helps facilitate a deeper longing in our soul to experience God and His kingdom. In fasting, we step out in faith and believe that Jesus is enough and that nothing compares to the joy and pleasure we find in Him. God uses faith-filled fasting to align our hearts more with His and help us see His vision more clearly for our lives and the resources He entrusts to us. Fasting isn’t magical, but it is mystical, and as we fast, God often accomplishes wonderful things in us and through us.
I recommend a weekly fast of at least 24 hours as you journey through this material and go deeper in your prayer life. Allow yourself to be hungry as you cry out to God for His manna from heaven. Others have done intermittent fasting during this time. Find a form of fasting that will suit you well and challenge you physically, mentally, and spiritually as you pray.
***Note*** If fasting from food is not for you due to health concerns, choose to give up something else that will free your heart and mind up to focus on prayer and interceding for yourself, your family and friends, and your community.
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to get morning emails. The devotional will last for 21 days and each devotional is about 10 minutes long.