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Tag Archives: Japan

Stats on Japan

Here are the facts after 6 days: 1.6 MILLION still without WATER, 24,000 are still alive but in need of RESCUE, hundreds of thousands are displaced inland without homes, jobs, and proper CARE, we’ve sent 7 FULL trucks up north with water, fuel, blankets, food, to those in need and are gathering MORE as we […]

Danny to Japan

On Monday Danny is leaving for Japan for a ten day trip to bring water purification systems to help with the cause of getting pure water to the people stranded and cut off from aid.  Our hearts are weeping for the Japanese, thousands facing eternity without having known or heard of the Eternal One.  This […]

Iverclan in Japan

While were were in Japan, a Christian television station did a special on the Iverson and church life.  The camera men came to several of our family times to film us interacting  (a pleasant, unified family is very foreign to Japanese culture).  Below, is something my father-in-law wrote about the video…at this point i would […]

fourteen hours and counting every minute

  The plane ride to Japan was 14 hrs.  Believe me, we felt every minute.  Daniel Josiah did take a two hour nap, but for the other twelve hours of occupying a two year old AND a 5 month old, we tried every trick in the bag. Daniel Josiah tried a few tricks of his […]

Snowboarding Adventures

He might be thirty, but he’s still pretty sweet on a snowboard. All 19 of us Iversons packed up and left at 4am one Monday morning to make a 4 hour trek to Nojiri Lake up in the mountains. We had two great days of hitting the slopes (for me, it literally was HITting the […]

around the world and back again

Part of my new years resolution was to start blogging…so here i go..starting with the most significant event of our new year- our trip to Japan.  We had such a wonderful time and I feel like God could not have blessed it any more fully.  We had wonderful family time (family pictures to come) , […]

Cousin Time

One of Daniel Josiah’s highlights of our Japan trip was waking up each morning and getting to play with his cousin, Noa, whose house we stayed at (Sara-Beth and I got to re-experience college housemate days, except add spouse and children). Daniel Josiah’s favorite activities included stealing anything Noa found interesting, teaching Noa the word […]

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