All of our most recent and popular theological reflections can be found here. Since Danny was trained at Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando, you will find a good mix of Systematic and Biblical theology portrayed in these writing as well as a healthy dose of triperspectivalism (Thanks John Frame) embedded behind these thoughts.
- The 4Cs… A reflection on the path to peace my grandfather taught me…
- Hope Shalom Iverson is here!
- What will you do with your breath?
- Exposed by ‘Rona’
- In Times of Plague… Turn from your idols
- In Times of Plague… Perfect Love casts out fear
- Pandemic Temptations – Part 1.
- Faith vs. Foolish Fear
- Day 21: “Available”
- Day 20: “Peace With God”
- Day 19: “A House of Peace”
- Day 18: “Shalom Rest”
- Day 17: “The Sent Ones”
- Day 16: “Free to Love”
- Day 15: “Sharing”
- Day 14: “Rich in Faith”
- Day 13: “No Justice, No Peace”
- Day 12: “Blessed to Bless”
- Day 11: “Shalom to the Nations”
- Day 10: “Kept in Shalom”
- Day 9: “Are you a Shalomer?”
- Day 8: “Whispers of Peace”
- Day 7: “Shalom vs. Fear”
- Day 6: “Shalom on Earth”
- Day 5: Kingdom Prayer
- Day 4: “Ever-Present Shalom”
- Day 3: “Shalom in the Flood”
- Day 2: “Humility and Repentance”
- Day 1: “Seek Shalom”
- Welcome to Pray Shalom
- Celebrating our Joyful Joel Nathanael!!
- Turmeric Latte Recipe
- Why I Ditched all New Years Resolutions for this One Daily Habit
- Meditations of the Heart
- The Least Likely of Candidates: How to offer yourself to be used even when you are the least qualified
- Desires of the Heart and Educational Choices
- The Sun Rises With Healing; How My Husband was Healed from Lyme Disease
- Seeing the Good When You Feel Like You Are Slumping Through the Bad
- On this Mother’s Day….
- A ministry…..of listening?
- All who worship IMAGES… Hello, 2018!
- Turning 35…And What is Success, Anyways?
- When You Need to Catch Your Breath. A Summer Recap.
- For Those of Us Who Need a Reminder of the Fruitfulness of Prayer
- An Iverson Update
- The Budding of Life
- The Gifts we have
- Lessons from the Babe
- The Anniversary of her Departure
- Meet Our New Daughter!
- As we welcome our seventh child
- Get up, Pick up your mat, and WALK
- Christmas Recount~ Family and Ministry
- 2017~ The year of RECEIVING
- Clean closets, clean hearts and a clearing for the Way of the Lord
- The Clothing of Shame…and How to Shed It.
- The Election
- A Call for Available Vessels
- A Family, a First Birthday, A Fruition of Prayer
- Celebrate! Grove Park – June update
- Say “Yes” to the Blessing
- A Willing Sacrifice…not necessarily a perfect one
- A Mother’s Day to Remember
- The Kingdom Comes
- Its all their fault.
- The Hostess with the Mostess
- Holy Ground….in my living room
- A Christmas Blitz of Activity
- 10 Great Reasons why there is STILL no Christmas update posted yet…
- Would you help the “least likely leader” prepare the way for the Lord?
- The Painter and the Shed- A memory of Jeff Stables
- He brings it to us.
- You never know where your prayers will lead you
- The Invitation of Fasting and Prayer
- The One Person to Seek When You are Stuck in a Rut
- Asking for Shalom
- Wandering Eyes
- Close, yet so far
- Family Vacation and Bickering, Brokenness, and Tears.
- Loving our enemies while advocating for the oppressed
- Three months and no words? Where have the Iversons been all summer?
- Warrior Week Behind the Scenes and The Paradigm Shift of this Church Planter’s Wife.
- Warrior Week
- Kickball and the Kingdom
- From the Mouths of Babes….or young lads who challenge the home or hospitality mentality.
- The Trials ARE the Training
- Easter Celebration~ Prayer Resurrection~God’s Kingdom Perfection
- The Move, the Emotions, and the Empathy
- A Pathway Through….
- I witnessed a miracle….
- Will I grab for it, or will I listen for it?
- Little Glimmers of God’s Work
- Moving forward in weakness
- Where are you sitting?
- God Uses the Messes
- New Beginnings
- Ripe for Redemption
- No other explanation
- Where does discipline come from?
- My Sick Little Boy
- Mouths of Babes….Malachi
- From the Mouths of Babes….Breastfeeding According to an 8 yr. old Boy
- Judah David Iverson
- Dormant Prayers and New Growth that Emerges
- From the Mouths of Babes….A Big One
- 10 years
- Forgotten and Forsaken, or Favored and Protected
- A Birthday Party to Defy Pinterest
- From the Mouths of Babes…two year old arguments
- First Day of School Pictures
- Broken, just enough
- Our summer to date
- From the Mouths of Babes….extra ones
- My Man and His Ordination
- From the Mouths of Babes…Romance in the eyes of the little ones
- When you declare who should be King…
- Introducing Iver-eight
- From the Mouths of Babes…cover song style
- When you want the glory without the path that gets you there
- One Thing to Cling to When Things are Tough
- Follow the Cloud
- From the Mouths of Babes…Little Evangelist with Ulterior Motives
- How to STAY where God puts you
- No one ever said Death was pretty…and how to work through it.
- Lent (A Little Late): The best thing to give up for Lent
- Fifteen Years Ago Today….
- The Real Secret to Real Strength.
- From the Mouths of Babes…Birthday Grace
- How to be a Lifesaver.
- He Trains my hands for battle: How to combat the slumps and train our kids to do the same
- What He COULDN’T do….
- Fear…the death grip and how to wring free from it.
- From the Mouths of Babes…Valentines Day
- Moving Up in order to Move Down: The role of a personal quiet time in a mother’s life
- From the Mouths of Babes… A lesson in economics
- Platform: Gaining One Worth Having, and Keeping One Worth Preserving
- Expecting: When you don’t get what you expect, but still expect to get
- Mouths of Babes Mondays….Literary Analysis
- My Libyan Christmas Wish….
- A Public New Year’s Resolution Confession
- From the Mouths of Babes…Adoption Options
- From the Mouths of Babes…Christmas style
- Where is Baby Jesus?
- From the Mouths of Babes Mondays
- From the Mouths of Babes Mondays
- 20 Reasons I love my neighborhood-How to be a missionary right where you live.
- I’m praying for you; A Letter to Our Child.
- From the Mouths of Babes….with short memories
- The Only Way to Get Past Your Past
- How to be where Jesus is….
- How to be where Jesus is….part 2
- How to really be where you really are.
- From the Mouths of Babes…
- Lord, I want to see!
- Never Heard
- Not about the soccer schedule….
- What Lies Beneath
- Watch This!!!
- Mold Remediation Plan
- Singing through the Storms
- Mold and a Maker’s Heart Surgery
- And the Children Came…
- “Pride Goes Before A Fall…”
- Let the children come….
- A Mother to the motherless…
- From the Mouths of Babes…
- Walking in His Footsteps
- “God sent you here.”
- "From Father to Son," Zao Malachi – Explaining the meaning of your name
- I love you bigger…
- From the Mouths of Babes…all their mouths
- Exchanging My Agenda, for His….
- God Hears, God speaks
- From the mouths of babes…momentous day
- Fourteen years ago, today…
- Learning to Praise Again
- Outward bound…His glories being known…
- Before they call, I will answer…
- As we fast….
- Penetrating the Darkness on our Knees
- A new Educator just moved in….
- From the Mouths of Babes…Katy-Grace
- Christmas Riches, Almost Missed…
- Christmas Riches, Almost Missed…(explanation)
- Christmas update
- New friends from 3 different continents
- Moved
- Christmas for the 10/40 Window…Right in our Living Room
- Last Leg of the Journey…Dependence vs. Independence
- A Beautiful Divine Appointment
- Undeserved Gifts
- Meet the goddess, Productivity
- The Only White Kids….Again.
- Blessings Abounding
- Why I Haven't Blogged in Nearly a Month…
- 22 Bullets Later
- 22 Bullets Later…
- From the Mouths of Babes-Trinity's healing
- God uses persons….
- No more Daniels…..
- A Surprise Trip to San Diego
- Watchman on the Walls…
- Servant of All….
- For My Baby Boy-Benjamin Zion
- From the Mouths of Babes…Clever little Katy-Grace
- A Night with the Giants
- A Whirlwind Tour Up the East Coast
- The Invasion
- New Letter from the Iverson Family
- How to Successfully Kill a Blog-in 3 Easy Steps
- An Isaac experience….
- From the mouthes of babes…
- Japan Disaster Update from Dan Iverson
- Unexpected Guests and the Little Deaths
- Our Little Graduate
- A Confession and An Invitation
- Should we Leave Japan?
- Katy-Grace Growing Up
- Most devastating video I’ve seen yet..
- Danny on TV!!!
- A Response
- Danny And Bart on Channel 45
- A Brunch, Tears, and the Question "Who will go?"
- Isaac’s Summer Trip to Japan
- The Adulteress
- What’s Next? Summer Teams!
- From the Mouths of Babes…
- The Meanest Mommy on the Block
- Thoughts on our Japan Trip
- Swords and Secrets of the Kingdom
- Yard Sale Mania
- Meet a Modern Day Hero
- Just Another Day – Japan Disaster Relief in the Aftermath
- From the Mouthes of Babes…#2
- Thoughts from Makoto Fujimura
- Grace City in action…
- Isaac’s Update
- I just had to….
- Join the Wave of Mercy…………..or…………..Help Send it
- Suburbia, Yard Sales, and the Orphan's Cry
- Vehicular Grace vs. Vehicular Homicide
- Blog Idolatry on the Altar
- What Radiation?
- Introducing…."From the Mouths of Babes" post #1
- Aftershocks….
- Listen to Japan…
- Ten Days Working With Japanese Churches in Tohoku
- An Update on Japan – "Devastation and Redemption"
- Daddy's Home!!!!
- Ishinomaki – Devastation and Redemption…
- While you've been gone….
- …Finding Life…
- Foot baths, karaoke, and the glory of God.
- The Radiant Church…
- Japan Blossom…
- Send-off and News from Japan
- Mend our Fractures…
- Citizens of Another Country
- Japan Acts
- An Update from the Field
- Japan in Desperate Need Right Now
- Why we are still going…
- Japan Update from Dan Iverson
- Happy 6 month birthday, Benjamin!!
- Update: The Team has grown…
- An Update from my cousin. Awesome story!
- Stats on Japan
- Awesome Video update.
- Another Update from my Dad and Mom.
- An update from a fellow missionary…
- Headed to Japan
- Danny to Japan
- A letter from my Dad… Please Read… Please Pray…
- Detailed Update from My Dad on the Front lines
- Stats on Japan’s Spiritual Situation
- Update from My Dad on the front line #4
- Dan Iverson on CBN
- Japan Update from my Dad #3
- Japan Update from My Dad!
- A Tribute to My Mother
- Kimberly’s Blog is up again! Better than Ever.
- My Blog has Resurrected!! (3 years and a couple babies later)
- Iverson Christmas Letter
- Joy to the Hood! A Community Christmas blitz!
- A good thought from Dr. Swain
- Ian Thomas on Christian Idolatry
- Safe Haven Update
- Iverson Update (September)
- BZ in Da House!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Howz da Momma doing?
- Made it (Barely) to Florida
- Final Thoughts as we Move.
- The Confession of a Nation
- “…Flesh of my Flesh…”
- The “Failure” of the Cross…
- From the Hood to Disneyland… What? An Iverson Update
- True Missions = becoming all things to all men, just like Jesus did.
- Form My Heart
- Help Support Tara Thompson’s Mission to Newark
- The Womb
- 16 Kids and Teens Baptized at Trinity Church
- Safe Haven Ministry Need
- Hints of the Kingdom
- Iverson’s on Sabbatical
- Thoughts from the Hospital
- A Cry for the FATHER
- The Kingdom of God
- A New Life in Newark
- Church Getting Robbed Tonight
- Daniel Josiah turns 3!!
- Stolen diamonds, Flying punches, and the Joy of God
- Rebuild the Temple
- A Glorious Day
- …he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures but his hands also heal…. Job 5:8
- The delinquent blogger…
- Trial upon Trial
- Family Dinners
- Glimmers of hope
- THIS is the Gospel
- My Middle School Girls
- Bidder Sweets- Safe Haven’s First Annual Fundraiser-not exempt from sin’s effect
- Bleeding heroin addicts on the back porch
- Mayor Cory Booker at Trinity Reformed Church
- Mommy in the middle
- My crazy life…
- Welcome back Aunt Betsy!
- Raising two-year olds and teenagers…
- Meet the boys
- The Vain Things That Charm Us
- Spring Break in the City
- Best Buddies
- Vastly Outnumbered
- The great love dilemma
- Hugging the hurts
- Valentine's Day… two worlds apart
- Iverclan in Japan
- fourteen hours and counting every minute
- Snowboarding Adventures
- around the world and back again
- Cousin Time
- Cursed Out on Christmas
- Merry Christmas
- There Must be Blood to Enter
- Victory for the Kingdom
- In the Heat of the Battle
- Bullets Flying and God’s Glory
- Update on Our Lives
- A Love Song
- An Essay on Grace
- Aggressive Grace Part 2
- Aggressive Grace Part 1
- Shining Shells and Cheap Cologne
- I Need a Miracle
- Where’s my Treasure?
- Abiding in the vine
- Thoughts of the morning
- An economy of hopelessness
- The Church is a Family
- Me and My Son