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The Confession of a Nation

I finally got this song somewhat recorded. For all those who have been bugging me to do this, thanks for pushing me to just get it done. I hope this song moves us all to die to ourselves and live for Jesus.

This is a song I wrote in 2004 after coming back into wealthy suburban America after living in a poor and marginalized community of inner city Newark NJ. This is my confession as well as our country’s as we look at the ridiculous addiction to self we all display. I am always perplexed at how selfish we truly are with all of our resources; our time, our talents and of course our treasures.
Jesus said in Luke 9:23 that we lose out on true life when we seek to gain the fake treasures of this world. All these things that will ultimately break and disappoint that eternal longing we all have for significance. But when through faith we are willing to die to all the vain things that seek to charm us and are willing to actually lose them, then we gain real treasure and can experience an existence that matters: an eternal significance and purpose for God’s glory and the joy of others.
If you look at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus you see what real life is. He chose to give up everything, even His own life, so that we could be redeemed and made right with God. He was willing to be poor so we could be rich and He found the greatest joy in living a selfless life… He did this because He is love and He loves us and wants to see see the hell in our lives disappear. I believe His love is doing that to me. I want to be more like Him… To the extent we believe this Good News we get to see our lives transformed in real time and space. Our lives become beacons of hope to a hurting and addicted world searching for purpose…. “I have been crucified with Christ never the less I live. But the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20