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What’s Next? Summer Teams!

So what happens next for those who went?  SpendYourself and JS Resources have decided to continue to partner to help Japan during this time when they need us most.  There is indescribable need there I cannot even explain in words. But, at the same time this is a unique opportunity when hearts are open to listen to the Good News offered in Jesus.  While I personally am not able to go back this summer, two team members, Isaac Knopp and Tim Benston, will be there.  We also have decided to use our website to continue to highlight the work of the Church and missionaries there, and to inform the Global church of how they can effectively partner with their brothers and sisters in Japan.  We feel God still wants to use us during this window of opportunity and we ask for your prayers as we seek to make ourselves available.  Here are a few things we are hoping to accomplish that we ask you to pray for and maybe act on as God leads.
We are praying for 20 teams to go over this summer and share the love of Christ in words and action by assisting in the devastated communities with clean up, distributing supplies, and sharing God’s Message of Hope.  We will connect the incoming teams with local churches and ministries and have a Japanese who speaks English to guide the teams once they arrive. We need local leaders from churches here in the States to step up, recruit a team, and lead and rally their community to help Japan!  Maybe you are one of those leaders? Or maybe you know one you can help send?  Will you go or will you send?
Check this out if you are interested in going to Japan on a trip.

We Need Missionaries in Japan!

The main way human beings meet Jesus is through other human beings who have the indwelling Christ leading them in all they do.  I asked almost every Japanese Christian I met there how they came to Christ, and every time the answer was the same: “My friend brought me into a church community and it changed my life. We are connected to many qualified and passionate missionaries and church planters trying to get over to start ministries, plant churches, and effectively reach the people in the devastated areas. The only thing holding them back are finances. Japan is so expensive just to live and survive.  Will you help send them?   I have never seen such an opening of hearts to the things of God and the need is greater than ever. There are laborers willing to invest their lives in Japan but being held back due to financial limitations…  Please help send these gifted, equipped, and available leaders to Japan.  On our website we have profiles of all of the missionaries in our network we are assisting.  Our website connects you directly to them and their missions organization or church.
Go Here to meet some amazing missionaries and hear their stories and passion.