Giving details.
You can give here through paypal or any credit card. (5% transaction Fee)
By Check (Is Tax deductible)
Step 1 – Email me and let me know it is coming and how much so we can count on it.
Step 2. Mail Checks made payable to
JS Resources, Inc.
844 Maraval Court
Longwood, FL 32750
JS resources is a 501 c 3 and all donations are a tax deduction.
They have graciously agreed to process all checks for this trip free of admin fees. 100% of your donation will go to Tsunami Relief.
Mission Overview? (Read more details below)***
- To bring the living water of Jesus to the hurting people of Japan.
- To partner and effectively empower the local church as they step out in faith to serve their countrymen and proclaim Christ in Word and deed.
- To bring water purification systems over to help supplement water supply.
- To bring over hand held radiation detection devices.
- To bring other resources (Nutritional supplements, other unique supplies requested, and donated funds to help purchase food, blankets, gas, truck rentals, etc…)
- To help inspire and encourage a Gospel Tsunami of mercy and love to wash over the Japanese people. We are praying our mission will inspire other missions to Japan and encourage the church to radically give toward Spiritual (and physical renewal) in Japan.
Who is going? (More details on Team Page)*
Our Team Consists of Danny Iverson, Tim Bentson, Michael Costanza, Martin Yahiro MD, Bart Johnson, Isaac Knopp, Shane Burgett and Don Eland. Danny grew up in Japan and his Father is a Pastor in Japan and their church is heavily involved in the relief work and need help, resources and people who can share the Gospel and love the Japanese people. Tim, did missions in Japan for two years as did Michael and Martin. Bios are below as well as contact information.
We love Japan and the Japanese people and our hearts are breaking for them. We want to be there.
Where is this money going?**
Travel – We leave Monday morning the 21st. This money will go to get us there. 100% (minus Merchant transaction fees) goes to this need.
The rest that we raise goes toward water purifiers, Radiaton detection devices, supplies, truck rentals, gas, communication etc…. We will leave whatever funds are left over with the local Churches we are helping.
** My Father and His church have been trucking up supplies. (Water, food, gas) There is no petro in most cities for people to be able to leave and there is a major shortage of water supply. We are bringing over serious water purifiers with us (ones that do 15 Gallons/minute) and anything else we can to help with the efforts. We all speak Japanese and are looking forward to sharing the Love and hope of Jesus with the people God leads us to help.
***It has been recommended due to the urgency and immediate need that we head over to Japan with the support of the local church as opposed to going through a mission agency and having to wait. JS Resources has graciously agreed to be the Non-profit handling all of our donatons. Please help support us to get us there to assist in this most desperate time.
*More on the Mission (Danny’s perspective)
As I watched the waves sweep over my homeland I could not help but weep… weeping at the devastation yes, but weeping even more over the fact that 99.9% of the those people getting swept away by the Tsunami do not know Jesus. Can you imagine that? An area of country so lost that only 1 out of 1000 have declared Jesus to be Lord and trusted in His saving grace. I can’t imagine watching a wave crashing toward me, knowing that my life was over, and having no idea what eternity held in store. For those of us who hope in Christ, death in this life should not bring us fear… for we have a hope that far outweighs anything this fallen world might send our way. But what about those who don’t have that hope, those who have never heard? Growing up in Japan I remember my friends in school thinking Jesus was an American… In a school of 600 I was the only Christian. Japan is an unreached people group in desperate need of the Gospel. My dad sent out an email reminding us to put things in perspective about the brokenness of humanity and the need for the hope held out in the Gospel for Japan. Every day over 90 people in Japan kill themselves…. Why? They are the third richest country in the world, 100% literate, hardly any crime, very resourceful and so organized. Why would so many take their own lives when it seems like a perfect country? The hopelessness and lack of eternal meaning or purpose plagues the people of my home. As things they thought worth living for disappear, their purpose for living vanishes and they end their lives.
As I weep for my country and pray for my family as they labor to bring physical and spiritual relief to fellow humans in need, I also think of the People of God and pray we be equipped with hearts and minds for God, and hands and feet that “go into the world” and bring hope to those under the tsunami of God’s wrath. How much greater is the justice of the Living God than the 30 foot waves of the tsunamis? How much more will the nations tremble at His judgment than the 8.9 earthquake can shake. I am reminded in this hour how serious our call is as we go to bring eternal hope. I can not help but repent for how lazy my heart and mind have been, and how stale my payer life has been for the lost and hurting. How selfish I have been with my time and resources. How self absorbed I have been with my problems and struggles. We know of a Rock, a solid place that can not be shaken; a stronghold, an arc, that will not be consumed by the floods of God’s righteous wrath. His name is Jesus, and in his name all nations find their hope. In His name I must hope… He is our salvation… That’s where I must go with all that I am. All of me must fully rest in all of Him. Lets go to this Rock together, broken and needy, and lets receive the restoration and rest He promises in His presence… and may His presence in us spur us to live radically for His Glory and the Joy of the Nations.
Click Here to Read Danny’s Full story.