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Tag Archives: answered prayer

For Those of Us Who Need a Reminder of the Fruitfulness of Prayer

It came just a week after I posted my parenting and ministry battle cry…a self-reminder to stay faithful in planting the seeds. The news of fruit. fruitfulness in praying for neighbors. fruitfulness of continuing to host Shalom Nights each week to have a meal, worship and study Scripture together. fruitfulness in the simple act of […]

Holy Ground….in my living room

      That Friday afternoon we sat there on the couch. The old leather one with the tear in it from its previous life in the home from which it had been donated. “Bible Man” played in the back room  for energetic little boys who love a good battle.  Meanwhile, Mommy and Miss Sandy […]

The Move, the Emotions, and the Empathy

I had dragged little people down there at 8pm, with sleeping bags, a paintbrush, and a large cup of coffee in hand. We made makeshift beds for them on the carpet padding, and then got to work.   Always fighting back panic with song. But the panic gained ground. and gave way to panicked pleading. […]

God Uses the Messes

It had been another frantic Sunday morning. If I had lain the children’s clothes out the night before, we wouldn’t have had battles over mismatching clothes. Help me, Lord.  If I had trained my kids better about putting shoes away in their shoe bins, we wouldn’t have spent 20 minutes franticly looking under couches and […]

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