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Tag Archives: Jesus

The Real Secret to Real Strength.

Because all I’ve got is a lot of weakness right now. All I’ve got is irritable mood swings. All I’ve got is a lot of failure under my belt. All I’ve got is this longing to be Repunzel and get locked in a remote castle (where I can sleep all day!), at least until this […]

What He COULDN’T do….

He turned water into wine. Multiplied fish and loaves to feed thousands. Healed sick people. Raised individuals from the dead. Walked on water. Drove demons away. Caused money to appear out of a fish’s mouth. Sensed people’s thoughts. There wasn’t a lot that this God-man, Jesus,  couldn’t do. In fact, some would argue that there’s […]

My Libyan Christmas Wish….

**Editor’s note: Posting this a bit late, but needed to get my Libyan friends’ clearance before posting. Ronnie Smith was called Libya’s friend. He loved the people. And so do I. My children actually have Libyan grandparents, you know. I have Libyan brothers and sisters and mother and pop and dear dear friends. Not by […]

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