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An Update from my cousin. Awesome story!

My Cousin Matt works on the Chiba team in Japan.

Dearest Friends and Partners in the Gospel,

Please continue to PRAY for Japan! I don’t think there is any time in history where a country has suffered an earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear problems all at the same time. Our local church network has mobilized now to send a total of 7 trucks of water, food, gas, blankets, diapers, etc.

The local Church in action delivering water

I was part of a team who got to bring aid to 40 church members who’s coastal town of Tomioka had been completely devastated. The main point of our mission was to escort the church’s pastor (who had been in Tokyo for a conference when the quake hit), back to his scattered flock. Words cannot describe the feeling in the room to see this small community reunited with their pastor. The first thing we did, is have a worship service to rejoice in God. This moved my heart to see people that have suffered so much in the last few days, be crying out God in praise, as their future is still unknown. One man, who survived with his wife and five children said his home, the train station, his company building were completely wiped out in 3 minutes. The area is so devastated, you cannot recognize where the train station used to be, he told me. It was a great blessing for me to pray with him, as tears filled his eyes, thanking God for life in Jesus, and that our hope and joy comes from Him, not the circumstances in this world. He as well as many others in their church were filled with gratitude, tearing up as they saw us unload the truck.

As I write this, 6 days after the quake, there are 1.6 million still without any water, 24,000 alive but in need of rescuing, hundreds of thousands that have been displaced moving inland, and many still without power. Please continue to PRAY, God is moving and He is answering your PRAYERS!

grace and peace from Japan,

Matt, Carly, Liam, Hudson, and Os

“But God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” – Romans 5:8

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