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Our Little Graduate

After much study, hard work, and a couple of all-nighters. We made it. Summa Cum Laude and Valedictorian of his class. Graduate day was here.

Actually, it was just his 4 year old preschool graduation day, and no study, all-nighters, or prestigious honors were involved, but it WAS a marking of God’s faithfulness and goodness to us as a family.

You see, as the typical-overly-ambitious-homeschool-mom, last fall I had just moved, just had a baby, and was driving myself and my kids crazy with these visions of what preschool homeschool should look like. It was JUST starting to spiral downwards, and one day I indulged looking at a preschool website.  I thought, “That would be my dream preschool, if I ever sent my kids to preschool.”  And then after a few more weeks of insanity, exhaustion on my part, and bickering amongst the kids, I had a breakdown. And not just a cry-and-get-it-out-of your-system breakdown.  More like a “God-is-this-‘No-birth-control-thing’-just-a-cruel-joke?!?” breakdown.  Danny, in his profound wisdom, decided that it was time for us to utilize Florida state’s free voluntary preschool option. And mommy started looking into preschools seriously.  I quickly found that any REALLy good Christian preschool were all filled up with a mile long wait list.  The ones that had openings, were pretty pathetic programs.  Then there was one last one on the list, and it happened to be the SAME school that I had glanced at a month prior.  I KNEW that they had to be filled, but decided to pray all weekend and then call first thing Monday morning.  9:15am, with my hand shaking and my voice squeaking, I ask “You don’t by chance, possibly, maybe have a spot open for your VPK program starting this January maybe, do you?”  The voice on the other end said “You are not going to believe this but one of our students is moving this week and JUST pulled out of one of our classes.  We NEVER have openings, but if you come down and fill out the paperwork today, we can get your son in!”   Simply miraculous, if you ask me.  So, five months later, with happy little boy who had made a lot of good friends, and a now-sane mother who actually enjoyed her children again, we celebrated Daniel Josiah’s graduation from preschool.  You see, that handsome little boy donned in blue, signifies alot more than just having learned his ABC’s and how to write his name and address, it signifies that God is overwhelmingly good. And, although I had doubted, and I mean REALLy doubted, God has used this experience to showed me that he truly does “gently lead those that have young.” (Isaiah 40:11)