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Category Archives: Family Life

In Times of Plague… Perfect Love casts out fear

Living Room Worship is in full effect. Every Sunday at 11:00 am tune in at to join the Iversons in their living room for worship and time in the word and prayer. If anyone wants to give, 100% of everything is going toward our Emergency Relief Fund to help those most desperate in our […]

The Least Likely of Candidates: How to offer yourself to be used even when you are the least qualified

I straight up forgot he had school. My four year old son was running around in his underwear while I was pulling out of the driveway to take my tardy kids to school, when his carpool ride drove up. I slammed on the brakes mid-exit of driveway, put the car in park and sprinted into […]

The Sun Rises With Healing; How My Husband was Healed from Lyme Disease

It started to set in during the busiest month for a pastor, December. The constant infections, the hacking cough, the flulike symptoms. After weeks of this seemingly morphing flu/brochitis/strep throat, friends recommended going to an urgent care to get an antibiotic to “kick this thing”. His wife called the naturopath because she wanted to get […]

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