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Category Archives: Kingdom Comings

Meditations of the Heart

Thoughts One of the board members for Restore Life, the organization I lead, recently turned me on to a book she loved by Howard Thurman called “Meditations of the Heart.” I’ve been reading it in the early morning watch as this new year gets started, and God has been using it to speak wonderful things […]

The Least Likely of Candidates: How to offer yourself to be used even when you are the least qualified

I straight up forgot he had school. My four year old son was running around in his underwear while I was pulling out of the driveway to take my tardy kids to school, when his carpool ride drove up. I slammed on the brakes mid-exit of driveway, put the car in park and sprinted into […]

When You Need to Catch Your Breath. A Summer Recap.

Kimberly’s summer recap with some awesome pictures… Sleeping bags. Sleeping bags. And more sleeping bags…. Socks scattered. socks in the family room. socks on the front porch. socks by the trampoline. mismatched socks in the laundry. Doors opening…and rarely shutting. letting in thick humidity and letting out paid-for electricity in the form of cool air. […]

For Those of Us Who Need a Reminder of the Fruitfulness of Prayer

It came just a week after I posted my parenting and ministry battle cry…a self-reminder to stay faithful in planting the seeds. The news of fruit. fruitfulness in praying for neighbors. fruitfulness of continuing to host Shalom Nights each week to have a meal, worship and study Scripture together. fruitfulness in the simple act of […]

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