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Tag Archives: church planting

The Sun Rises With Healing; How My Husband was Healed from Lyme Disease

It started to set in during the busiest month for a pastor, December. The constant infections, the hacking cough, the flulike symptoms. After weeks of this seemingly morphing flu/brochitis/strep throat, friends recommended going to an urgent care to get an antibiotic to “kick this thing”. His wife called the naturopath because she wanted to get […]

A ministry…..of listening?

A Ministry Update Due to numerous factors, and after many hours of prayer and discerning the Lord’s direction, we, plus the elders of Perimeter Church, decided to move Shalom City Church into a season of pausing, praying, and (hopefully) planning the next season of house church development, discipleship and outreach. Can ministry mean more than […]

When You Need to Catch Your Breath. A Summer Recap.

Kimberly’s summer recap with some awesome pictures… Sleeping bags. Sleeping bags. And more sleeping bags…. Socks scattered. socks in the family room. socks on the front porch. socks by the trampoline. mismatched socks in the laundry. Doors opening…and rarely shutting. letting in thick humidity and letting out paid-for electricity in the form of cool air. […]

For Those of Us Who Need a Reminder of the Fruitfulness of Prayer

It came just a week after I posted my parenting and ministry battle cry…a self-reminder to stay faithful in planting the seeds. The news of fruit. fruitfulness in praying for neighbors. fruitfulness of continuing to host Shalom Nights each week to have a meal, worship and study Scripture together. fruitfulness in the simple act of […]

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