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Tag Archives: God’s Word

The Sun Rises With Healing; How My Husband was Healed from Lyme Disease

It started to set in during the busiest month for a pastor, December. The constant infections, the hacking cough, the flulike symptoms. After weeks of this seemingly morphing flu/brochitis/strep throat, friends recommended going to an urgent care to get an antibiotic to “kick this thing”. His wife called the naturopath because she wanted to get […]

Mouths of Babes….Malachi

They were all piled on the bed. Sprawled out during our nightly family devotions. We are reading through the Bible as a family, and we’re camped out in the book of Numbers right now. I know, I know, not exactly an attention-grabber book of the Bible for little ones. But you would be surprise, how […]

Before they call, I will answer…

“Before they call, I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 He’s done it again, and proved Himself so faithful and true to His Word. While there is still much to wait in expectation for the Lord to do, we have already seen some exciting glimmers of hope in Newark. […]

As we fast….

As we go into our weekend of fasting for Newark, NJ and the ministry of Safe Haven there, I wanted to include some practical helps and ways we can be approaching the Lord on behalf of this city. First of all, the fast will be lasting for 48 hours (Friday 7pm-Sunday 7pm)  and we are […]

Swords and Secrets of the Kingdom

Last week Daniel Josiah’s preschool was doing a “Bible Character Parade” in which the kids were suppose to dress up as their favorite Bible character.  When I asked Daniel Josiah what he wanted to dress up as, the conversation went like this: Me: So, Daniel Josiah, who do you want to be for the parade? […]