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Tag Archives: Christmas

10 Great Reasons why there is STILL no Christmas update posted yet…

I know many of you have asked me personally about the different events we had at Christmas and, yes, I am STILL compiling the pictures and getting the update done…But in the meantime, here are some snapshots of what has happened since those events, which, in my humble opinion are some great excuses for why […]

From the Mouths of Babes…Christmas style

Danny walks in the door, right into a live nativity. Katy-Grace is busily reenacting the story of Jesus’ birth. Reinacting with the decapitated shepherd, the earless donkey and the broken legged wise man, all pitifully repaired with a hot glue gun. Can we guess WHY our nativity characters have suffered such injuries? And get lost?…but […]

Where is Baby Jesus?

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday, instead of worshipping a peacefully sleeping babe in a manger, the goddess of Productivity is worshipped. In the effort to make the most of the season, I fail to make the most of Him. All the plans and the scheduled events and the purchasing and the preparing, […]

Christmas Riches, Almost Missed…

This year we had every excuse in the book not to do it. We had tons of family coming into town for the holidays. We already would have a full house. I’m pregnant (and tired!) with baby #5. We have four little rascals running around. We already have one international student living with us. Money’s […]

Cursed Out on Christmas

“In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an […]