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Tag Archives: NJ

Ripe for Redemption

I picked up the kiddos from their amazing school in the wealthy, sheltered part of town. The magnificent building, the pristine landscaping, the haven that the school and church property is… This place has been a great blessing in our lives. When I drive through its parking lot dotted with gorgeous red maples, it seems […]

Not about the soccer schedule….

Spoke to my best friend yesterday. We didn’t shoot the breeze about our kid’s soccer teams.  Or about ballet schedules being busy.  Didn’t talk about the sale at Macy’s or about what color we will paint our kitchens. No, the mothering issues she faces are far more intense than that, for she resides in Newark, […]

Before they call, I will answer…

“Before they call, I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear.” Isaiah 65:24 He’s done it again, and proved Himself so faithful and true to His Word. While there is still much to wait in expectation for the Lord to do, we have already seen some exciting glimmers of hope in Newark. […]

Update on Our Lives

January – March Prayer Letter Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters of Safe Haven, We thank each of you for your support in the important work that God is doing here in Newark, NJ. Your prayers, financial gifts, and emotional support are keeping this ministry alive. And ALIVE it is. Much has been happening as we […]